Decoration design knowledge family ceiling decoration design

The average person's impression of the ceiling is just a piece of white cement. Further, he knows that the effects of lighting on the roof can be matched. In fact, ceilings occupy an extremely important position in home decoration. For example, a suitable ceiling decoration will play a role in shielding beams, pipes, heat insulation, and sound insulation. Of course, the design of the ceiling is wonderful and varied. Each one can create different decorative effects. When decorating a new home, you may wish to give your room some thought to make the ceiling a different form in order to show a good effect. Renovation of the home's ceiling is the roof commonly known in life. Please note the following six designs:

1, straight and song dialogue

If you think that the home's decorative lines are too straight and too hard, you can add curves to the ceiling, and use the extension and softness of the lines to make the room look a little different from the visual sense.

2, classical style white ceiling

The use of handicrafts to decorate some of the classical tastes of Western gypsum board decorative panels on the flush and flat ceiling, with the complex shape of the chandeliers on the market, you can immediately enrich the ceiling.

3, herringbone roof decoration

In addition to the increasing number of villas on the top floor, there will be traditional herringbone roofs, which have certain limitations for ordinary ceilings. However, the experts tell you a small trick, if you use wooden planks to wrap the interior protruding parts, designed as an ancient housing estate. The style can bring deep simplicity to your originally untidy space. Of course, the wood will have more effect if you choose a more appropriate color and pattern.

Home decoration design aisle ceiling living room ceiling decoration decoration design style decoration room interior decoration decoration living room decoration style villa door villa

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