Choose the 4 big mistakes of wallpaper to see if you haven't?

There are many kinds of wall decoration, such as paint, such as patch, wallpaper, etc. The wallpaper is like putting new clothes on the wall, and the clothes can be chosen at will, which not only meets the beauty but also protects the wall surface. The market is very popular, but there are still many people who are skeptical about the wallpaper. Xiao Bian gave you today some misunderstandings about what some consumers think of wallpapers!

Misunderstanding one, the cost of paving wallpaper is high

In the wallpaper, the import wallpaper price is higher than the domestic wallpaper, the natural material wallpaper price is higher than the ordinary wallpaper, the big brand wallpaper price is higher than the no-name wallpaper. But no matter which brand manufacturer, they will consider the purchasing power of the consumer groups targeted by their products. Moreover, the effect that the wallpaper can reflect and create is far beyond the other decorative materials and it is an excellent choice.

Misunderstanding II, wallpaper use easy to fall off

Under normal circumstances the wallpaper is not easy to fall off, if the shedding phenomenon is not a problem of the wallpaper itself, but the paste process does not meet the requirements, and now the United States and other brand wallpaper manufacturers often have a well-trained professional construction team construction .


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CMC for Oil Drilling is also named PAC,poly anionic cellulose ether. PAC-HV, because of its high molecular weight, exhibits excellent non-Newton fluid property and can modify rheological property of slurries; PAV-LV, because of its low molecular weight, allows better water retention and is more resistant to salt and high temperature.

CMC can increase the viscosity of solution, it is is considered potentially harmless biologically to the human. therefore it can be used in the thickening, dispersion, emulsification, suspension and colloid protection of food, medicine, daily chemicals petroleum,papermaking, , textile and construction field.

For the drilling , well-digging of petroleum and natural gas
â‘  . The CMC slurry can form a filter cake on the wall of well to lower the water loss of well.
â‘¡ CMC can help slurry release the gas and dischaarge the broken matter
â‘¢ CMC can prolong the existing period of drilling fluid
â‘£ CMC drilling fluid is seldom infected by mould , the high PH value and antiseptic are unnecessary

⑤ CMC can be used as flush fluid to reduce the pollutation of soluble-salts
â‘¥ CMC slurry can work well in 150℃