Some special terms for grease

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Some special terms for grease

Source: China Bearing Network Time: 2013-07-13

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Grease: Grease refers to a solid to semi-fluid lubricant composed of one or more thickeners dispersed in a liquid lubricant. In order to impart a special property to a grease; Some additives.
Age hardening: The appearance of the consistency of the grease added with the moment of storage.
Appearance: The grease characteristics seen only by visual inspection; generally include the overall appearance, texture, color and gloss.
Overall appearance: lubricated, rough, granular, oil-like, etc.: creamy, elastic, brushed color: red, blue, yellow, white, etc.; can also add constrained adjectives such as "light" "Medium", "deep" and other luster: bright, dull, etc.
Consistency: Consistency refers to the degree to which a plastic material resists deformation under the action of an external force.
Cone penetration: Cone penetration is a measure of the consistency of the grease. The greater the penetration, the softer the fat.
Consistency grade: NLGI (American Grease Association) is divided into nine grades; nine from 000 to 6.
Mechanical stability: the ability of the grease to resist the change of consistency when mechanically sheared; the more the consistency change value. The egg catches the glue.
Thixotropy: When the grease is sheared; the consistency changes. V辜 辜 惺 怀 怀 扔 扔 扔 扔 扔 扔 扔 扔 扔 扔 扔 扔 扔 扔
Water resistance: Grease resists the ability to be washed away from the bearing; resists the ability to damage the layout of the grease due to moisture absorption; the ability to avoid corrosion of the metal surface in the presence of water.
Colloidal stability: the ability of grease to resist oil separation.

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Single Point Load Cells

analog single point load cells, also called platform load cells, are extremely versatile: With nominal load ranges from a few grams to a ton, high accuracies, and good dynamic weighing characteristics

What is a single point load cell?

Single Point load cells are a type of load cell, they are a very popular choice and account for the greatest percentage of load cells world-wide.

Single point load cells will offer high accuracy and high reliability, they are also known as [platform load cells" as this is their most common application. They are typically used in low capacity compact weighing systems.

Single point load cells are unique in that they can accept an off-centre load, this means that they will accurately measure weight if it is placed anywhere on the scale, therefore, allowing them to be highly precise in industrial applications.

Features of a single point load cell

Features of single point load cells will differ from cell to cell and will depend on the manufacturer but some of the most common features include;

  • High accuracy
  • High reliability
  • Protection rated (usually IP67, IP66 or IP65)
  • Usually constructed of alloy steel, stainless steel or aluminium

Features of the single point load cells we can offer;

  • Platform sizes from 200X200mm up to 1200X1200mm
  • Capacities from 300g to 2000kg
  • Many of our Single Point Load Cells also have OIML certification.

What is a single point load cell used for?

Most commonly, single point load cells are used in small to medium-sized scale applications. For example;

  • Counting scales
  • Balances
  • Pricing scales
  • Food scales
  • Industrial weighing
  • Packaging
  • On-board weighing
  • Medical weighing
  • Bag fillers
  • Retail

Load Cells,Single Point Load Cells,Platform Load Cells,High Accuracy Load Cell

Zhejiang Nanhua Electronic Technology Co., Ltd ,