Common problems and countermeasures in the application of NTN bearings

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Common problems and countermeasures in the application of NTN bearings

Source: Bearing network time: 2014-06-23

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Strong metal tone 1, abnormal load: select appropriate equipment clearance and pre-tightening force 2. Poor assembly: improved machining accuracy of the shaft; improved equipment method 3. Lack of lubricant: make up or apply suitable lubricant gauge sound 1, foreign matter causes Corrugated rust, indentation, scars: removal of related parts; use of clean grease 2, channel shedding: fatigue wear; replacement of NTN bearing irregularities, foreign matter intrusion: removal of related parts; use of clean grease 2, clearance Too big: focus on cooperation and select suitable clearance 3, steel ball scars: steel ball fatigue or foreign body jam; replacement NTN bearing abnormal temperature rise 1, excessive lubricant: reduce lubricant 2, lack of lubricant; or not suitable : Adding lubricant or selecting suitable lubricant 3, cooperating surface creep or sealing equipment is too large: NTN bearing outer diameter or inner diameter cooperation surface correction; sealing method to change shaft reversal oscillation large 1, shedding: fatigue shedding; replacement NTN Bearing 2, poor assembly: improved machining accuracy of the shaft; improved equipment method 3, foreign matter intrusion: removal of related parts; use of clean grease lubricant to leak large discoloration 1, excessive lubricant 2 cut lubricants, foreign body invasion: Clear Part associated anti friction type NTN Bearing:
Anti-friction NTN bearings are divided into two main types. They are ball bearings and roller bearings. Let us know each other; because the specific uses of the manufacturer and NTN bearings are different; according to these fundamental structures and evolved many different Variety.
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