The world's largest helium device officially opened

Recently, the world's leading industrial, health and environmental gas supplier, Air Liquide (Air Liquide) has launched the world's largest helium purification and liquefaction plant. The plant has a capacity of about 38 million cubic meters per year and uses patented helium purification and liquefaction technology for liquid air ultra-low temperature (-269 ° C). The official launch of the project has further stabilized the global helium market.

It is understood that the device is a turnkey project in the industrial city of Ras Laffan, Qatar. The liquefier is operated by Ras Gas, Qatar. The new plant has brought the company's total production capacity of helium to approximately 58 million cubic meters per year, making Qatar the world's number one. The two largest helium producers account for 25% of the world's production capacity.

Under a long-term contract with RasGas and Qatargas, Air Liquide will purchase helium, which is 50% of its total capacity, making Air Liquide one of the major suppliers to the global helium market.

The picture shows the world's largest helium device launched by Air Liquide in Qatar.

[Editor: Chen Guofang]

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