Moisture-proof combat tips how to do

How to do wall moisture ? In order to prevent the appearance of water seepage inside the wall, you need to do some learning. Then, how does the wall moisture-proof ? How to prevent the dampness of the wall? Following Xiaobian look at it.

How to make the wall moisture resistant

A mild mildew treatment on the wall

If you have found that the wall has been mildly mild due to moisture, you can take the following steps to remove the mold.

1. Wipe the painted wall with mildew-proof water, 84 disinfectant or bleach solution (diluted to 5-10%) to quickly wipe the mold. The method is to use a rag to wipe easily after being wrung or spray using a small sprayer.

2. Indwell 24 months and wipe it with clean water. Use a clean rag, rinse with water, and wipe. If the mold is severe, wipe off more of the solution. In order to avoid re-moulding, care should be taken to thoroughly dry the wall.

Second, the ultimate solution to the brush anti-mold excellent paint

If the wall is re-emerging with mold or mildew is very serious, can not be removed by the previously mentioned methods, then the best solution is to shovel off the original wall, heavy brush primer and topcoat. Repurchased coatings need to ensure that their anti-mildew performance is superior, but what kind of paint is considered good anti-mildew it? In addition, when heavy brush coating should pay attention to what?

How to prevent moisture on the wall

1. Close the window in the morning and evening to reduce the tide

The wet weather has serious damage to the wall. First, we must prevent the damp air from entering the room. When you come back to the South, remember to remember the windows in your home. Especially the south-facing and south-eastern windows do not give the opportunity for damp air to sneak into the room. The time to close the windows is every morning and evening. During these two periods, the air humidity is higher than in the afternoon. If the windows are not closed in time, the water vapor in the air will go into the room. Should be selected at noon, short-term window.

2, using desiccant and other products to absorb moisture

Some supermarkets and other places can buy some desiccants, moisture absorption boxes and other supplies, rational use can reduce the humidity at home to a certain extent. In addition, self-made absorbent boxes such as lime and detergent can also be used.

3, use of air conditioning, dehumidifier

If you want to be lazy, everyone can use the dehumidifier to help. Most of the air conditioners have a dehumidification function, and they can use this function to dehumidify when returning to the South. In addition, professional dehumidifiers can be purchased on the market. Although the cost is higher, the dehumidification effect is comparatively inferior.

4, timely inspection, clear wall moisture

During the wet weather, regularly check the dampness of the walls in the home. If you find that there is condensation on the wall, you need to take timely measures. Use a dry rag, dehumidifier, air conditioner, etc. to remove moisture from the wall.

Editor's summary: The relevant information on how to do wall dampening is introduced here for everyone. I hope this article will help everyone. If you still have something you don't understand, you can leave a message to Xiaobian at the bottom. We will answer your questions as soon as possible.

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