Is your house selected right? Common wooden door variety competition

The door is an essential safety net for the family. Nowadays, many families prefer to choose solid and thick wooden doors during the renovation to ensure safety. However, there are a wide variety of wooden doors on the market and people are confused and do not know which one to choose. In fact, to sum up, the wood doors we use daily are mainly divided into four types: solid wood doors, solid wood composite doors, molded wood doors and plywood doors. Below, Xiao Bian will introduce to you the characteristics of these four types of wooden doors to see which one is more suitable for your family?

One, solid wood door

The highest grade is one of the most high-quality doors in the wooden door. The cores are made of natural logs from the forest, dried, and then processed through scientific processes such as blanking, planing, slitting, drilling, and high-speed milling.

Most solid wood doors are selected for valuable wood, such as cherry wood, walnut wood, teak wood, etc. The finished product door has the characteristics of no deformation, corrosion resistance, no cracks, and heat insulation. At the same time, solid wood doors have effectively played a role in sound insulation due to their good sound absorption. The natural wood grain texture and color of the solid wood door is undoubtedly the best choice for the family who admire the style of return to nature. Solid wood doors have been a kind of warmth since ancient times, not only looks beautiful, beautifully carved, and diverse styles.

The price of solid wood doors also differs depending on the wood materials, textures, etc. The market price ranged from 1,500 yuan to 3,000 yuan, among which the high-grade solid wood was walnut, cherry, sabilly, rosewood, etc., while the finest teak door priced at 3000-4000 yuan. (For example, the relatively high-grade rosewood door is about 2,300 yuan; the medium-to-high-end wooden doors such as walnut, cherry, and sapphiri need 1900 yuan.) Generally high-grade solid wood doors do well in the dewatering process. The relative moisture content is about 8%. After the doors are formed, the doors are not easy to deform and crack, and the use time is longer.

Second, solid wood composite door

Medium grade, the public use more. The door core of the solid wood composite door is mostly made of pine, fir or imported filling materials, and is covered with a density board and solid wood veneer, and is made by high-temperature hot pressing, and sealed with solid wood lines. Its main difference from the original wooden door is that its inner and outer materials are inconsistent, and the medium-lower wood selected for the material is inferior to the original wooden door. Therefore, the price is not relatively moderate, and it is suitable for lower-middle consumer groups.

General high-level solid wood composite door, its door core is mostly white pine, the surface is solid wood veneer. Due to the small density and light weight of the white pine, and the easier control of the moisture content, the weight of the finished door is lighter, and it is also less prone to deformation and cracking. Compared to the expensive solid wood doors, the price of solid wood composite doors is generally around 1,200-2,300 yuan. In addition, the decorative materials of modern wooden doors are more common with veneers and stickers. Mupi Mumen are rich in natural texture, beautiful appearance and strong impact resistance, while the prices are relatively high; the wooden doors of stickers are also called “grain wood doors”. Because of their low prices, they are more popular products. Their disadvantages are that they are easily damaged and they are afraid of water. .

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