Terrible "turns a blind eye" You have long handled the water!

The problem of water quality is that no one can escape from practical problems, but many people turn a blind eye and turn a deaf ear because of their habits, because they are reluctant to spend money, or because they are inert, or because they do not have the time and energy to actively solve them. I hope that through this article, we can let readers understand that in fact, the water quality problem is on the side of each of us. In fact, solving them is not a complicated matter. In fact, you should have taken measures long ago.

Terrible "turns a blind eye"

“The family is an old house, and tap water is used for decades. The water tank on the roof will be cleaned regularly. In fact, many people have complained about the quality of the water in the house. When water is drunk, the bottom of the water is like sediment. Things were used every time, and they were used to it, but they also ignored it.The white clothes that the daughter had bought were less yellow on wearing it for less than a month. She refused to wear them, and she thought she looked old. One-time water filter, I took a back and only spent three days! The white filter became yellow! Last time someone said to climb upstairs to see the water tank, and it was extremely dirty. I think If you want to be dirty, let's dirty it. Anyway, so many people are using it. It took decades."

Editing words:

Aunt Liu's idea is very common among many people. I feel that so many people are using it and have spent so many years. This is a very undesirable inertial thinking and inertial thinking. Water quality issues are directly related to the safety and health of the family, and fooling the water quality is fooling one's own body. Water yellow, sediment at the bottom of the cup, these are caused by large particles of impurities in the water. The first problem that families need to solve is the problem of impurities. What are the consequences of these impurities after entering the water pipe? Water pipes and wading equipment installed on water pipes, such as washing machines, dishwashers, water softeners, water purifiers and water heaters, may be damaged or even completely destroyed. Valves, connecting fittings and strainers in wading systems will therefore need to be replaced.

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