Mei'an Chunmei tells you four repair tips for solid wood furniture

Solid wood furniture has always been with us. Solid wood furniture will not be outdated at any time, but the solid wood furniture we often use will be damaged without maintenance. Mei'an Chunmeijia tells you about the four tips for repairing solid wood furniture as follows:

Scratch treatment If the solid wood furniture in the home is accidentally scratched, but the scratches do not touch the wood below the paint film, Meian Chunmei tells you that the wax solution can be melted with a towel and applied to the wound of the paint film to cover the scar. After the wax has hardened, apply a layer in the same way. Repeat as many times as needed, so that you can cover up the scratches and then apply a thin layer of transparent nail polish. This basically blurs the scratch. Remember to use a dry towel to melt the wax, not a wet towel. This method is very useful for the repair of solid wood furniture.
Repairing cracks Solid wood furniture takes a long time to crack, which affects the overall beauty of solid wood furniture. If the crack of the solid wood furniture in the home is small, the sawdust powder can be directly filled in the crack, and the color of the sawdust powder can be colorized according to the color of the solid wood furniture. Such solid wood furniture is also relatively convenient to repair and has obvious effects. If the crack is large, it can be split into several parts on both sides of the crack with a small knife. The smaller the better, the smaller the original crack will become smaller. Finally, the large crack and the small crack are basically the same, and then the sawdust powder is filled. Such solid wood furniture repairs are more beautiful and natural. Repairing burnt wood furniture is more likely to cause burn marks than other furniture, and the cigarette butts in the home are the main source of solid wood furniture. Then when the solid wood furniture lacquer is burning, you can use a fine cloth hard cloth on the matchstick or toothpick, gently wipe the traces, and then apply a thin layer of wax, the scorch marks can be lightened, with transparent nail polish. It is better to apply a thin layer on the burn marks. This is a very common method of repairing solid wood furniture.
Color change repair White is a favorite color of most friends, so white solid wood furniture has become the first choice for many families to buy. However, white solid wood furniture is easy to stain and discolor. If it is because of the long time, the discoloration can be wiped with a dry rag and toothpaste. Be careful not to use excessive force. Wipe it gently or mix the two egg yolks. The soft brush is evenly applied to the yellowed area. After drying, carefully wipe it with a soft cloth. If the furniture is stained, it is more difficult to repair the solid wood furniture. You can pour the white vinegar into the right amount of water, wipe the oil on the wooden furniture with a sponge damp mixture, then wash and dry.
Daily maintenance

In order to preserve the beauty of solid wood furniture, proper maintenance methods are essential. Wipe the surface of the solid wood furniture with a towel and soapy water, and then use a dry towel to absorb the moisture, which can effectively prevent the stain from adhering to the surface of the furniture and maintain the bright luster of the furniture itself. Solid wood furniture should try to avoid the difference between indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity, resulting in cracks in solid wood furniture. Try to keep a certain distance from the heating to prevent the furniture from being baked and deform the solid wood furniture. It is often waxed to avoid the wear and tear of solid wood furniture and to preserve the color of solid wood furniture.

Source: GO Jiaju Furniture Network

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