After 80 billion worth of beauty CEO luxury home

"The house can't be small, but it must be tens of millions. The room can't be small. Two or three buildings can do it." Everyone is talking and laughing. You can open a dance party, but you can also do a party. Today, Xiao Bian took you to know several beauty CEOs after 80, to see how they have a luxury "home"?
Hu Minshan is behind the scenes of the Charmonde Group.
Hu Minshan, who has been active in social circles in recent years and is known as a strong woman in the watch industry, successfully introduced the brand Techno Marine to Hong Kong many years ago. He also represented many brands, including Peter Pan watches and all kinds of electronic mechanical clocks, etc. The most widely known is the extremely popular in recent years. Philip Stein TESLAR from the United States won 2006 "Hong Kong Honor Enterprise Tour - Best Watch Brand". The business can be described as impressive.
Hu Min Shan Luxury House Happy Valley Road, Happy Valley 20

Star home paint ld tiles

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