Fault and elimination of butterfly valve

Butterfly valve failure and elimination methods: possible causes of the failure to eliminate the sealing surface leakage 1, the butterfly plate, sealing surface folder debris 2, butterfly plate, sealing surface close position match is not correct 3, the outlet side configuration flange bolt by Force uneven or not according to the requirements of Figure 1 4, the pressure test direction is not required according to Figure 1 1, to eliminate impurities, cleaning the valve cavity 2, adjust the worm or electric actuator adjustment screw to close the valve position correct 3, Install flange plane and bolt pressing the country, should be evenly pressed 4, press the tip sealing direction of the valve leaked on both ends 1, both sides of the gasket failure 2, pipe flange uneven or not compressed 3 , The seal ring, the seal gasket failure 1, replace the seal gasket 2, compacting the flange bolts (uniform force) 3, remove the valve pressure ring, replace the seal ring, failure washer