Buyers should pay attention to lighting buy more

Buyers should pay attention to lighting more expensive

Lighting is an important part of modern home decoration. The combination of light color, shape, and multi-lamps can be used to enhance the atmosphere of different homes and add to the decoration of the home. When choosing, you'd better consider the basic lighting of the lamp. For example, the living room is a place for people to receive guests. It is required to create a warm and warm atmosphere. You can choose bright and colorful lamps. Generally, there are chandeliers, ceiling lamps, and wall lamps. The living room is a resting place for rest and romance and gentleness are given. Its main purpose is to select a soft and decorative lamp that can create a warm and elegant atmosphere for your bedroom. It is generally based on table lamps, wall lamps, and floor lamps. The children's room requires bright colors, and the style is full of changing lamps to create for children. A lively and safe space, it is recommended to use chandeliers, ceiling lamps. The bathroom should be selected simple and waterproof function of the lamps, generally based on wall lights, ceiling lamps; kitchen should be selected simple model, easy to wipe, easy to clean lamps.

When many people choose to buy lighting, only pay attention to the style and color of lighting, in fact, this is not scientific. Lamps do not only meet people's lighting and aesthetic needs, but also take into account the different colors of lighting on people's psychological impact. The color temperature and brightness of the lamp will affect people's emotions, and the bright light can change the internal clock of the brain. Staying in the light for a long time will not only make people feel tired, but also reduce the body's absorption of calcium; intense light waves It may even increase abnormal cells and cause normal cells to die. When decorating some homes, they like to put various colors and various styles of lights in their rooms.

In fact, colorful lights are not only harmful to human vision, but also interfere with the function of the brain's central nervous system. At the same time, color has a great influence on people's psychology and physiology. For example, blue can slow down heart rhythm, regulate balance, and eliminate tension; beige, light blue, light gray is good for quiet rest and sleep, easy to eliminate fatigue; red, orange Yellow can make people excited and inspire spirit; white can make the blood pressure of the hypertensive patient lower and calm, and red can make people's blood pressure rise and the breath quickens.

Luxurious atmosphere of marble lamps Home decoration is nearing completion, and the purchase of lamps and curtains requires a lot of thought, because the harmonious combination of lighting and curtains is a crucial part of the overall decoration, and it can be said that it is the finishing touch. However, how do you choose the curtain luminaires that are full of different styles and different styles in the market?

Let the experts give you a few tips for your reference: As the saying goes: “The sharp knife does not miscut the firewood.” Before you buy, you'd better find out the types and characteristics of lamps and curtains that are suitable for home use nowadays. Uses and trends, and then make purchase plans based on the structure of your room and personality grades, so that you quickly and accurately find the best product for you.

Duplex Decoration Two Bedroom Decoration Three Bedroom Decoration Window Lighting Decoration Style Decoration Continental Decoration Modern Minimalistic Style Decoration Living Room Bedroom Soundproof Decoration Style Blinds Curtains Blinds Fabric Curtains Glass Table Glass Dining Table Floor Lamps Kitchen Glass Sliding Doors Bathroom Design Toilet Waterproof Whole Bathroom Continental Bathroom Children's Restaurant Continental Restaurant Bedroom Lamps Bedroom Lamps Small Bedroom

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