Fertilization and management techniques after fruit picking in orchards

First, the top of the top dressing. Top dressing is not only suitable for pre-growth, but also necessary for late growth. After the fruit is harvested, 0.5% to 0.67% of urea solution and 0.2% to 0.33% of potassium dihydrogen phosphate or 0.2% of superphosphate can be sprayed on the back of the leaves every 15 days to improve the photosynthetic capacity of the leaves and increase the nutrition of the branches.
Second, heavy application of base fertilizer. It is carried out immediately after harvesting of late-maturing varieties in the middle and late October. Fertilization is mainly based on farmyard manure with more organic matter, such as compost, manure, and fertilizer. Combined with application of base fertilizer and application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, the decomposition of organic matter can be further accelerated, and the fertilizer effect can be fully exerted. The amount of fertilization can be determined according to the soil conditions, the variety of the fruit trees, the age of the trees, and the tree potential. Generally, it should account for 60% to 70% of the annual fertilization amount. Usually, the fertile tree plant is applied with 25-30 kg, and the fruit planting period is 65. ~70 kg. Appropriately apply some calcium superphosphate, urea, etc. according to the age of the tree. The depth of fertilization should be 30-60 cm, and the young trees should be applied shallowly. Fertilizer must be mixed with soil to prevent root burning. Watering should be done in time after fertilization to facilitate the decomposition of fertilizer and the absorption of roots.
Third, deep turn the tree. After picking the fruit, the deep-turning tree tray is cut to a depth of 40-50 cm to cut off some old roots, stimulate the formation of a large number of absorbed roots, and improve the wintering ability of the roots of the fruit trees. At the same time, for many wintering larvae and cockroaches that have winter habits concentrated in the soil within 10 cm of the canopy, manual picking after deep turning over the tree can eliminate a large number of pests.
4. Irrigation before freezing. It is generally watered and drought-resistant when the late autumn shoots of fruit trees sprout. According to the test, watering once every 10 to 12 days before the first frost can increase the surface temperature by more than 2 °C.
5. Prevention of pests and diseases. Apply 0.5% Bordeaux mixture to the trunk and spray 0.125% carbendazim to prevent autumn pests and diseases.
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